+5-8% Strength for 4.5s on Kill. Stacks 5 times.
Up to +25-40% Strength, as Stamina depletes.
+5-8% Strength for every 10% of magazine spent during continuous fire. Stacks 5 times.
+5-6.5% Strength for 3.5s on Close Range Kill.
A guide on using Pickaxes as Gunlugger. Most of this also applies to Feel No Pain/Loyal Protector builds.
If you're using Karsolas or Branx, I recommend dropping Attention Seeker for The Best Defense.
All 3 are good, boss. For gunlugger, I give a slight edge to the Borovian (med), with Branx being slightly better against elites and slightly worse against hordes and mixed hordes. Karsolas is the light attack option and works well but slightly behind the other two.
The Borovian pickaxe is my favorite gunlugger weapon. It can handle hordes very nicely with light and push attacks while still packing a punch against armor when conserving ammo or when PBB is on cooldown.
The weapon special is a Pull that yoinks anything but monstrosities and Muties about a meter towards you, stumbles them, and applies a debuff that increases their damage taken by 10% for ~6 seconds. It's great for opening Bulwark shields. It can pull multiple enemies at once if they're close together. The range of the pull is slightly longer than the normal attack range. It does little damage, but is a fast way to get to the strikedown heavy. You can use the pull while sliding, even if it doesn't hit an enemy, then slide again and charge a heavy attack to hit once you get in range of an enemy.
Least important stats: Defenses, Cleave Targets
The best blessing combo depends on your preferred combos with the weapon. You don't need a toughness blessing as the push attack will make it really hard for most enemies to touch you. My recommendations are Slaughterer or Headtaker + Thrust or All or Nothing, or just Slaughterer + Headtaker.
A tier (great)
B tier (good)
C tier (barely usable)
Multi target Combos:
Single Target Combos:
Lights are strikedowns, and so is Heavy 1. But lights chained after the second heavy become wide attacks. The special is a push stagger but still applies the Pull debuff. Only use it after a push attack or a light attack, as it has a super long delay if used after a heavy attack. Your main combos are:
The combos are slow and you're way more likely to take chip damage during hordes and especially mixed hordes than with other weapons, but the payoff is the best anti-armor melee option for Gunlugger. Despite being a push instead of a pull, the weapon special still gives the "Pull" debuff for ~6 seconds.
Blessing Combos (in order of recommendation)
Thrust IV + Slow and Steady. The Branx's heavies have a really long initial windup phase before these two blessings start charging, so if you try to use Slow and Steady to regain toughness in combat you'll probably take more damage than if you were just doing normal combos without charging it. If you use these blessings, you should rely on Push Attack + Heavy combo more frequently since it has better stagger than the Heavy 2 + Light combo.
With this pickaxe, I recommend dropping the talents Attention Seeker and Towering Presence so you can pick up Furious for better light and push attack damage and The Best Defense for better toughness restoration or the +5% melee damage node if you need it for breakpoints.
The light pickaxe favors a different playstyle than the other pickaxes on Gunlugger. It has the simplest horde-clear moveset, but that doesn't mean it is a lightweight against armor. The weapon special is a powerful stagger that pulls the enemy slightly closer. After using the weapon special, the next attack (light or heavy) becomes a powerful strikedown. The next light after that combo is also a strikedown.
Dump stat: Defenses (need 50% or more still), you can get by with 60% penetration though.
Note that you can use pushes without doing a push attack by holding block for just a moment after pushing. It can be helpful to push before charging a heavy in cases where you don't want to push attack.
If you want to use more light attacks, I recommend Slaughterer + Confident Strike. This version struggles against crushers compared to the other pickaxe builds, so you should make sure your ranged can handle them better (rending on PBB instead of fire bullets for example).
If you want to use heavies a lot, Thrust + Slow and Steady is good because both blessings charge so fast on the Karsolas that you'll often get 1-2 stacks just from doing normal heavies.
Wrath/Headtaker/Slaughterer is fine if you want to really tear through hordes and mixed hordes.
There's two main strategies with PBB
The main strategy of playing Gunlugger is conserving ammo. Rocks help immensely with this since they can take out pesky gunners and specialists, letting you conserve Stubber ammo for when massive amounts of enemies spawn. Don't use PBB just for a regular horde, only for when there's lots of elites or a boss mixed in and the team is in danger of being overwhelmed. If there's Crushers just shoot them for ~1.5-2 seconds each or ignore them and focus on other threats. Once there's no other threats, you'll help your team more by staggering and killing them than by lighting them on fire.
Both blessings are good. Charmed Reload lets you fire longer without having to reload and helps keep blaze away up, often even getting you to your next use of Point Blank Barrage, but Deathspitter is way better for your ammo economy. It stacks 5 times and that adds up to a lot of extra damage.
When moving from Charmed Reload to Deathspitter, I recommend starting off not using PBB at the very start of a fight unless the situation is really bad. Start shooting a bit to get some regular kills first, then pop PBB and benefit from Deathspitter and Blaze Away.
For a Heavy Hitter pickaxe example build, see here: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/builds/9c60559a-45fc-46c6-9f5a-878eb1e99d33/ogryn-bonepicker