+6.5-8% Strength for 3.5s on Hit. Stacks 5 times.
+7.5-15% Weak Spot Damage. Weakspot Kills also ignore Enemy Hit Mass.
Target receives 1-4 Stacks of 2.5% Brittleness on direct projectile hit. Debuff lasts for 5 seconds and can have a maximum of 16 stacks.
Ranged hits add 1-4 stacks of bleed to enemies.
VI has a single target first heavy and hordeclear second heavy, lights can potentially do good horde damage. Alternating the single target heavy and the special attack is good against lone ragers. Rampage is a good alternative to deathblow if you want to use the lights.
VII is pretty much the same as VI except the heavies are reversed, making it slightly better at mixed hordeclear since you can alternate the wide attack heavy with the special attack.
IX has an initial single target heavy, but chains into endless hordeclear heavies. The versatility of always being able to chain into a powerful single target or powerful horde-clear combo generally makes it the best option.