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 Ascension Riser 31 
 Warhammer 40k: Darktide 

 Ascension Riser 31 
 Warhammer 40k: Darktide 

The Heretics are transferring a consignment of Prismata Crystals to their allies in the Hive. You're to intercept and seize that shipment.


Dead Man's Passage - Transit Hub HL-16-11-421

No Grimoire locations have been found in this zone yet.

Ironside Alley - HL-16-11-421

No Grimoire locations have been found in this zone yet.

Refector's Quarter - HL-16-11-421

No Grimoire locations have been found in this zone yet.

Maintenance Siding Phoros-31-A - HL-16-11-419

No Grimoire locations have been found in this zone yet.

Impound Store 22 - HL-16-11-419

No Grimoire locations have been found in this zone yet.

Locomotive Storage Bay 31 - HL-16-11-419

No Grimoire locations have been found in this zone yet.

Linkage Spur 419-667 (Alpha Routeway) - HL-16-11-419

No Grimoire locations have been found in this zone yet.

Ascension Riser 31 - HL-16-11-667

No Grimoire locations have been found in this zone yet.


Dead Man's Passage - Transit Hub HL-16-11-421

No scripture locations have been found in this zone yet.

Ironside Alley - HL-16-11-421

No scripture locations have been found in this zone yet.

Refector's Quarter - HL-16-11-421

Scripture Location 1

Scripture in the corner up the small stairs

In the corner up the small stairs
In the corner up the small stairs
Scripture in the corner
Scripture in the corner

Maintenance Siding Phoros-31-A - HL-16-11-419

No scripture locations have been found in this zone yet.

Impound Store 22 - HL-16-11-419

No scripture locations have been found in this zone yet.

Locomotive Storage Bay 31 - HL-16-11-419

Scripture Location 1

At the far end of the big open room between a train and some boxes.

At the far end of the big open room between a train and some boxes.
At the far end of the big open room between a train and some boxes.

Linkage Spur 419-667 (Alpha Routeway) - HL-16-11-419

Scripture Location 1

Final train car just before yellow light rooms

Final train car just before yellow light rooms
Final train car just before yellow light rooms

Ascension Riser 31 - HL-16-11-667

No scripture locations have been found in this zone yet.